Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
In the Gospel of Matthew, we hear Jesus speaking to the crowd on the mountain, reminding them and us that “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). These eternal words both challenge and encourage us. They remind us that Jesus is counting on us to be that light for others. Jesus goes on to say, “A city set on the mountain cannot be hidden,” a reminder to us that our faith must be visible in the world. Our faith must therefore be a beacon that can guide others.
I believe these images are both urgent and important to our world today – a world that is in need of courageous and compassionate people of faith to be that guiding beacon.
The Diocese of Springfield is embarking upon an ambitious yet timely campaign with the primary focus on strengthening parish life throughout western Massachusetts. We have appropriately themed our campaign Beacon of Faith because I believe it will reinvigorate and enhance our evangelization efforts in Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, and Hampshire counties.
This is an exciting and holy time for the Diocese of Springfield. As a family of faith, we are called to serve one another with the love of Christ.
I truly believe in Matthew’s Gospel - “with God, all things are possible.” If we are strong in our unity and purpose, if we work together in God’s name, we will accomplish great things. Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness in the past, and for your prayerful consideration of your participation
in this campaign.
As I hold you in my prayers, I also ask you to please pray for me and for the success of our diocesan capital campaign.
Your friend in Christ,
Most Reverend William D. Byrne